Masteries on reinbeast raid shadow legends
Masteries on reinbeast raid shadow legends

Such simpleminded determination and a talent for violence could not go unnoticed, and the Thug – for that was all anyone ever called him – came to the service of one of Nabruk’s guilders. He learned to fight from the moment he could walk, he had the strength of three grown men, and, most importantly, he had no scruples about smashing a few faces to get by. It was not difficult for a destitute and hungry minotaur to take up the role of a thug. Fortunately, their strength and toughness make them ideal candidates to serve as enforcers for various gangs. It is not uncommon for these Skinwalkers to find themselves with no means to survive apart from a life of crime.

masteries on reinbeast raid shadow legends

In most cases, there is little comfort to be found in such acceptance as superstition and fear drive the common folk to greater displays of suspicion and paranoia. Yet, some authorities tolerate their presence. Due to their bestial nature, Skinwalkers are shunned and denied entry to many large cities. Be it thief guilds, bandits and brigands, or even hired assassins, members of all of Teleria’s prominent races can be found on the other side of the law. Just as there will always be those who abandon morality and principles for the sake of gain, so too crime will persist in different forms. Try as the rulers of Teleria might, it is impossible to enforce the law everywhere and without failure. Pre-requisite: Snorting Thug to be equipped with Lifesteal Set and equipment with high Resist and Defense stat.

masteries on reinbeast raid shadow legends masteries on reinbeast raid shadow legends

Snorting Thug Mastery Guide Arena, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Masteries on reinbeast raid shadow legends